Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fickle and Ish - Better Bed Her Best (While In The Word World) - A confession to my yet-to-be-seen love through all of these, at least, seemingly unnecessary words and pauses that just can't be surpassed "..." and oh how it leaves us to wonder.

Musica optional as always.

For some upfront clarification, this a minor exploration of the major limits of The Word World. There are three main characters: Myself who never talks aloud, except sometimes in Ish's head, Fickle, who is separate from our understanding of the world, and Ish. This is an intentional Word World War, in which, Fickle and Ish are quaintly caught writing out their love for each other in The Story Book, and they aren't quite exactly sure how their chapter goes... or are they?

Fickle and Ish are forever-lovers, bonded together for eternity in complete harmony, although they forget it sometimes... some would say even too often. They are commonly portrayed as a rabbit and turtle respectively, and while Fickle might be just that, she can have a bit of a bubble-head on her too. Hey! She I.S. always dainty... at least, that is how I, Ish, think about her. As I hope you just perceived with my word choice: For such a beaut, one should think it to be wrong to describe my wife of forever love in the way I think about her, instead of the way I feel about her... I mean, she is THE ONE, right? Yes, she is. There is no question about that.  One can hope you just did see me do wrong by thinking over feeling when it comes to her, my love, because that would save us a whole world of fine lines that I was about to have to go through, not to mention the further suspension of right now's time-span. --- That would mean that you already went through this headache two, also while knowing what it is like to understand this of what I am talking about here. Are we in understanding? --- /Phew! Good. Then it is all uph^ll from here.

In some cases, though, I no that some r know so smart... myself cludedin... as seen there, os, here be the short version: I am just words, sent from a far off place that even I do not know the home of. Somehow they hold more meaning than I intend, and a feeling reaches out and plucks heartstrings that make notes that will also never let go of their own rings. Somehow, we as a people are doing... God... what am I saying?...have been doing... this since the first recording, and again, here, now... logically... simply spelling out my love for the woman, and man!, that we both cherish dearly.

I am just words sometime in the past written that you perceive as more than that. Who can help against it? Why would anyone want to?

But what remains, what matters, ThE qUeStIoN iS: Why are you giving me another thought? --- Is it because I am saying, HAVE A FEELING TOWARDS ME?

Or is it because we both know that I am really asking you to? 

Love? Fickle? Totally.


Are we all not alone in our own existences, trying to let ourselves out?

No, what you are seeing is nothing more, but lines and curves on a backdrop.

I am here... I mean ... we are here... to read between the lines... the story sends and then it ends.

So, what am I trying to do?

... I don't know how else to put this, but the other half of me is out there waiting to be seen.

For this  He says the wro.... hmm                             ...     what just happened? Well, that isn't quite right, what did I just do...                                         ...





I smudged! You in particular!  ng thing time to ... more like what didn't I just do? Gah! That is the real problem! I can't leave it like that, but buh!, it's not like I can go back now! There is not a back button!   

Then there is no worries.

Easy for you to say, you didn't say it!


Please don't "...." me, it doesn't feel right.

Sorry, sir.

Me too.


Oh! That is right, thank you for reminding me. OH, what too do?

                                                                                                time. Like now. He racks his brain              

W.H.A.T. I.S. I.T. I.S.H.?                                             about                              


"..." is what I am sure you are probably saying to yourself at this point. I mean.... well, you know, something along those lines... I do apologize for the possible confusion, I thought I was practiced and was just going to get this all out in one fluid go.

Wait!, no! You are telling it wrong!                              ...      ....well... do I not get a say?

There was one... and on second thought, doesn't your question lend itself to you telling it wrong, by you not saying your piece?

Doubt it.


... doubt what again?

... what.

I am admitting that I regret hitting the wrong button, for see what that kind of mistake continues to do!  Oh, good, that underline button hit itself that time. Coincidence? "..." I think not.

It sounds like you are doubting it.

Are you asking me, or telling me?

There was a period there, wasn't there? 

True, but how you said sound and you, didn't sound like a statement to me. So to clear the air, which mistakes throw people off again?                                                                                                                                  

.....                 beats me.                                                 how to fix what isn't understood and where it went wrong. (Probably where I broke the Ish line up there, just a hintful guess.)  She /huffs for some reason and then soon enough continues, before Ish can have another thought.

Wait... I think I know what you mean or getting at... this "..." ... I mean, and I do 
mean... She sneezes suddenly and Ish doesn't bless her. Wtf Ish? That isn't polite, do you like to be sick? I thought so. ...umm... In her defense, it is rather hard to explain. (But I thought it was a "feeling" I hear you think.) ... I, gees this is hard. That's what she said. Okay, what I mean to say in a round about way, I don't mean these "..." (Ish thinks it unnecessary for her to repeat her points so many times, but he luckily doesn't let her onto his position on that standpoint. to be thought of as "points", for they are neither point or lines... I mean, you kinda have to squint your eyes to add them together to be right in with what you mean, that is, if you want they to understand you and the story.

You mean, "them", right?


Ish expresses a grimish look. Fickle thinks he wears that mask well. Well, sure honey, literally, those are "points"... I mean... "'...'s'", or whatever the hell you want to call them... , Gah! Again , that isn't the point I meant to get into!

Will someone...anyone...please invest in a back button?! For sanity's sake!?

Ish is then seen trying on a darker shade of mood on the account he recalled his use of "whatever", and the lack of imagination he sees in actually using a word like that. He thinks that surely there is a more trying word out there, waiting to be found and properly used. If there are such limitless, literal ramifications within the word world of "whatever".... he means to find them, those more accurate and descriptive words that capture and make-up for the lackluster expressions coming out of the grandest umbrella term ever, in those moments that are missing it, of course. --- Don't fret however, he is more upset over his little outbreak towards Fickle he had up there, somewhere. ^--- /shrug.

Ish thinks he knows that she didn't deserve it, but that is why it was so reassuring when she chuckled at his attempt at fishing for another word than whatever to make-up for his lack of care he put to her then there before. The umpteenth reason Ish has found to love Fickle, a reason not to...still 0. Pretty impressive after eternity, eh?

Com'on! Like a tangent, I am having to come at these people from an angle... there has to be some give to it, it isn't like I can literally just hand this over to them and show them ... I can only tell them, graze the surface, and hope it takes ahold and pray that they get it; when it comes to words off the top of your hat sweetie... there is a tendency for a point to slip, or two. Hence, the flawed past and our presenting future.

To speed you up-to-date out of the dip in the relation, as if on queue, the wind turns the page and Ish must gather the back before it goes too far. It takes him a moment of fumbling with the pages to distract us out of their funk, but we get it done together, naturally.

Ware only letters after-all. I realize I am trying to tell these good folks reading, our story, and that I fudged it up by thinking about it. How can I let my feelings for you flow freely across the page, if I hesitate my own thoughts about us?. Which I don't mean to sound bad, but that is how I feel... that I let you down Fickle when I held you back in my mind. 

Aren't we all a bit forgetful at times? 

I am mainly sad at this point that our Optimum Play has ben forever smudged             ....          Guh!                                                            ...

Ish is a bit perturbed at Fickle not noticing the miss-type he tries to make light of later, by pointing at it and half-earnestly laughing, after being "down about it" in the first place... oh wait... you aren't there yet. Whoops! My bad, you will see it right through what I just blocked with these few lines I "accidentally" cough put here. Hey, what can I say? We all get in the way sometimes. Yes...

even the semi-ominous narrator. That is forethought for you. Anyway, now back to the story.

I did it again to our story, I smudged it with a miss-type! What good am I? Why am I the one writing when I can't even write right?!?! Ish sighs and looks at Fickle, awaiting her disappointed response at his second mess-up that is forever ingrained in their story. If we only knew. Look Fickle, He half-laughs and tries to point out the mistake to make light of it, and just as he is about to explain what and why it might have happened, he realizes he must first explain the following for it to fit. damn these letters that keep getting in the way! Now I can't even point out the mistake I want to right until I write out to about here~ish.  Spac ^, oh how you get in the way and save the day! Haha... finally, there is~ish the pointed arrow!  
   Insert Fickle's dead-space I mentioned preemptively that makes Ish so uncomfortable as he is now.   I did it again, didn't you hear? He shuffles in place.

She /coughs after a look of concern and question.

He /scratches his head with some disappointment across his face and then remembers what is next to be said.

Babe, I don't mean to be brash ... you know I only mean to make you blush... She does exactly that, but here we are wasting our precious paper going on back-and-forth like this trying to point our mistakes out to each other, when I really think we should get back at the task at hand. Enjoying each other's company. She is almost beaming now. Now, will you please cooperate? We are wasting space! her face swiftly drains to dim, daunting colours through the display of horrible husbanding ... 

                ... If I remember correctly, I put my hands on my hips as I saw myself pain her. 

...well... I thought for awhile, but it mustn't have been too long, because I had enough time to think this and that up before Fickle said that.

Gar. I know we messed up Ish, but it will be okayish ... I mean, "Okay." We've gotta keep positive. Sorry, Ish. Just keep doing well in Word World like you have at some points been doing, and know that it will all be okay, if we write it all that way. Also, I also too apologize for wasting space.    .    .                                      

Well then ... yeah, you are imagining all at the same time, her face becoming full of scorn, somehow mixing  perfectly with a 100% of pang. It was such a bewitching sight to behold, especially after she had to wipe away that tear with force so that she could see...ish... Ish... what travesty did you just get us into? we are in agreement. 

Fickle... I... I didn't mean...

Yes, you did, don't make it bad by lying about it. You always mean

Fickle, don't be like that.

Ish, you are wasting space just like you asked me not to. Go on. She says "on" with a catch in er throat.

With one wasted sigh, Ish recalls where he left off of their story.

Oh yeah... He says with something else to say on his mind. for HER rather, gees, how could and why would I call her "this"? --- How awful for me to think of her that way... she deserves better...

Better bed her best, I suddenly found thinking, and then soon after, feeling... all that is Myself.

What deserves to be felt... by me at least...  is her... I remembered.

That is right! --- Watch those grubby hands, ladies and gentlemen. Get your own Fickle!

What followed was the feeling that thought held, whichever one and whatever you wanna call it. And since it was honestly good, when we both found each other seeking it at the same time, because great minds DO that... -~think-~ alike, we knew we were made for each other in that very instance. We were made in same breath that brightened the first idea that told  us forever simply...I.S. is wha(what?) you manifest it.


...I don't know about you...

....But we thought...

Why not leave our Love Story on the idea of a good emotion? 

So. We. Did.

After It Became The End Of Our Story.

So sorry, but Ish insisted on a P.S. as he figured one should be read...
I already told him of a pretty purple one coming up, but when does he listen?, especially to me "...", I mean, talk about a ficklish character. So, here and there makes the two we have.

Oh, look what we just did and will continue to do, in good, honest faith... and that is... don't let your children forget this now...

We spent time together without exactly talking to each other, and that is all that matters. That is all these words say...

At least.

Yeah, what they said...
You know, to each other in the post script word world...

...writing themselves for eternity.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

♏eans Well - Essence Poem #8

"Scorpio (Justified Suicide)"

I want to restart
So I have to die
Death is only a door
Into my windowless pine
...Where is a good place to live...
Is it underneath the world
Or above the blue sky

I don't regret these memories
But I have run out of time
For I did not grow old enough
Within my limit of prime
So I must go again
To the end of the line

I am not selfish
I just felt it like my kind
Heavy doth my body grow
As it decays from life to nigh
I did not think strife could be so, would be so, wry

You see, I am this poisoned skin
Coated in lye
Shedding to keep a promise
To the one I should have never broken when, oh-oh, why

Withering away the sin
A good way I think, I try to find
Oh-Oh, just where have you been

For burdened was my mind
Until I found you my friend

Again, at the end, at the end of the line.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

An Extension of Venting For The Greater Good

Follow the hints of what, where, when, how, and why always.

Two what?
To where..
One when?
Too how?
Won why?

What are you talking about?
Where are you going with this?
When do you plan to stop?
How much longer will you be?
Why did you write this?


I will be putting forth a better effort to produce more stuff, especially videos here in the next couple months. Any time taken to read what I have to say helps me keep on keeping on.

The following was taken and edited from an recent occurrence I had. I thought it best to clarify and include some more thoughts to the blog Venting For the Greater Good. I did not adjust this far from its original form. I cleaned up some transitions, and I hope none of this is ill-advised.

My inferiorments, "my inferior things I do, compared to what would and could have been a more positive example", let me down because I feel it is up to me to find those better options, and put them instead into place for myself and rest. 

When I do not get my point/message/intent/action across when it could have, or should have been successful, it is disappointing. Of course everything, and I mean everything, happens for a "reason", it is simple cause and effect. It is what we know as science, and notably chemistry. It is all evolution --- but the real question is it all ultimately for the greater good? --- I think that is the case, and I want to have myself and others to learn to help everything get there. I advocate cultivation.

Do I put this on myself, let myself take on this sense of responsibility to everything? Yes, I knowingly do it, although not in every way shape or form. Do others who look down on my thoughts and ideas and my outlooks on things hurt me? Sometimes. It depends on what I have done, the person, the moods/attitudes, the known, and the general case. I am used to having a thick shell distancing myself to most things, so I am now attempting to lower and convert the energy I spend on those unnecessary walls or defensive ploys into more reasonable, more appropriate, and more productive interactions.

Oh, anchors and hosts are prone to mess up, no doubt, it was simply a simile.

I believe if you can imagine it, it is real somewhere, and you can experience it because you have seen it. Perfection to some is an impossible feat to accomplish. That it is just a concept, and not a practical, obtainable goal . But overtime, I think it to be reachable, maybe fleetingly, but reachable. Now, I don't know about you, but sometimes I am too optimistic to see reality. I believe in system of reincarnation, though, the specifics to me are unsure. Therefore, I am left hesitant and inaccurate at times. Sometimes I am too hard on myself. Despite these obstacles I or anyone faces, I encourage a sense to challenge thyself, to practice, practice, practice.. to fix what can be fixed. 

My passion is be that "never-wanting-it-to-end" writer. I want to write such fascinating things, and most importantly, of quality. My work is a work in progress. A bucket-list item of mine, is to write at least one time-lasting piece of work, that is remembered as good, and telling.
This quote is taken from a conversation around factors separating the wrote and the read..

"...their willingness to try to comprehend what you’re saying and see things how you do." --- This I believe is the hardest bridge to cross, and I reckon it is all about being relatable.
It is the individual person who understands the piece, not necessarily the writer of the piece. Everyone has their own viewpoints, perceptions, and tastes. We are left with the question, what makes the perfect piece? I think there is one for each of the specific category for each of us.. it's just that one piece may not be the best for everybody. Despite the separating betweenness of the inner-workings of others and my mind, I still want to feed to the world the most I can help. I want to be a constructively contributing cognitive cog within the collective consciousness. I will spend my time writing diligently to make that happen. I don't necessarily want everybody or even most to gain from my work, I just need enough.

The blog was made as a reflection of myself. It was to myself but also to everyone else, to have another source to have a deeper look into this subject. I know I am not the only one who suffers from some of those insecurities, ignorances, and limits. I want to uproot those feelings.. those ultimate answers, and rectify them. I want, I need, to bring them under the light, so that they be explored, to fulfill my purpose to myself and to others.
In my head, unless you are omniscient, there are only inferior/negative/hindering acts, superior/positive/beneficial acts. Neutral acts only turn out to be illusions and pure ignorance to a higher awareness. Always resort to the best to the least. SPOILER ALERT: I may be wrong about these things. This is what I think to be true based on my experience.

The blog isn't just to me or about me, or you, or anyone. It is the whole wide world and beyond itself that becomes better or more inferior after each action is taken. I believe in the "butterfly effect", and each action of mine, yours, his and/or hers, causes an equal and opposite effect, a ripple of Karma to go pulse throughout all of existence. And the blog is encouraging your, my, and our waves of communication to be ultimately constructive. We ourselves control our actions, and I believe we have a duty, because it feels better when.., everyone puts forth their very best efforts, and because it affects everything else. All for One, and One for All.

Should anyone expect everything, everyone, and each action seem to go ultimately constructive/positive? Of course not, at least in this world (loosely said). But that is what we should strive for. Improvement is possible if the required efforts are met, and it is up to us to meet them. I want to instill a purpose, a reason, some incentive, for people to strive to share with the world these good experiences that they can have and project. Everyone enjoys pleasant company, we grow off of it. If individuals get on the same page of knowing to not doubt their ability to communicate positively, for them to learn to express constructively and consistently to the world, rather than resorting to suppressing or rejecting something that will possibly brood, or be lost, then, and only then can we have a happy time to write about in our book of existence.

I basically want (all) to discuss the ideas about the various subjects of the world, while focusing on improving by being open to any input, such as critiques, suggestions, concerns, comments, or clarifications, and outputting it into quality matter.
Thank you once again for you reading. I came across something that gave me a lot of chew on, and this blog was the result of that. Clarifications were in order. I hope I didn't confuse, or wrong anyone about all of this, but I have fair trust in my beliefs. I honestly don't mean for this to seem like a rant or a long-winded spiel. Hopefully it is easy enough to digest, and wasn't too repetitive. Hopefully until next time, Taylor

Monday, November 17, 2014

Venting For The Greater Good - Discover


Hi there. My name is Taylor, and in this particular post, Venting For the Greater Good, I will explore my delay to share this blog with you. In conclusion, I have feared my worthiness to the world enough to speak to it, but, after some higher thinking.. and my own dismay, I have surpassed succumbing to the thought of hesitance because I now feel that the only way to be better is to continue. I have found what I.S. Infinitely Significant in sharing my inner world.

I was not certain of my future delivery, so I remained unsure that I should say anything. Regardless of my knowing to be human is to be flawed, I couldn't seem to shake my fear of unclear speech, yet, in the continuance of the same train of thought, I felt a sense of abandoning myself if I were to say nothing at all. So out of those two evils: fear of inferiorness or one of silence, here I am, choosing to roll the dice of death and speak on.

In the perfect world in my head, I imagine the "On Air" neon sign lightening up. I let a few quiet seconds pass to build anticipation, and then I start my speech with an ease of fluid confidence as if no empty time has passed, just as a practiced anchor would pronounce the news on a show. Of course --- this is not how it truly is behind these letters of contemplation.. if only this was a live feed, you could sense my hesitance, and see my literal gawking at the sight of the keyboard.

I share this small excerpt of an emote fabricated in my head just to give you some comparison of the types of thoughts running through my mind..

*As the aforementioned anchor*
/After watching the footage, I find that without my knowing, Karen, our newest intern, had thankfully and understandingly wiped my chin of the drool accumulating in the corner of my mouth, because I was so dumbstruck by the infinitesimal combination of letters and spaces before me. But, as I sat there gathering myself in the language I have been taught, the message I meant to speak started to constellate in my head and appear through my lips as I heard the reciprocating, repeated echo of a message from a distantly far land out of my earpiece: "You are live, talk! We are live, talk! You are alive, talk! We are alive, talk! 


My ending lesson today is to speak on even when you doubt the message will be received. You are not a mechanical creature, able to deliver a perfect performance on command. So do not be deterred by this obstacle as I was. In fact, embrace this test of fight or flight of the dialogue, because, lying within our inevitable speech debacles.. are our own perfectings of communication. It is up to everybody to improve their self for the betterment of themselves, and therefore, the world.

Now, sometimes we can be flawless in our delivery, and I do feel that humanity allows us to do so on such favored occasions, especially after we are well practiced --- but on the whole, in general daily life, our speech isn't perfect. This is a constant truth we must strive to conquer.

To address the (possibly) newly sighted, or rather smelled elephant in the room.. silence is a response, and a rather good one. Sometimes it is the best response, it just all depends on the situation. As for anyone who knows Boba, and was gathering to defend the modest-mouthed people or animals, firstly.. the whole reason for this blog is for they (including myself) to speak on their own behalf, not the more extroverted folk to do so. Secondly, and more importantly, no one should expect anyone to share their insides all the time, or even most of the time, for their insides and the lines would disappear, and we would have a contradiction on our hands of what is in and what is out, and no one wants to clean up that turned-out mess. Also, it can get annoying, and I hope that I never am that to you. These are just my opinions. Take them as you will, but believe I do not mean anything negative. 

Where I think the hidden hook lies that keeps people hesitant in communication, is where does the fine line of knowing what to and not share, reside?
For that I have to say, it is up to you to establish where that line falls. Truth can't be determined until you have all of the evidence, and neither can your gavel line to the sound block. Order!, Order!, Order!

If you don't be truthful to yourself and to others, if you don't communicate what you mean and let what you mean (communicate) ring.. the lines of your lies, facades, and lacklusteredly hide-and-go-seek games you play with yourself and/or others may start to blur along with your judgement of A sight to B (oh so many meanings). *Be sure to read the P.S.

You decide the line's place, and to place it correctly You must get to know yourself better. Your universe is the only world that matters to you. You alone decide your future into existence. Soul search, challenge yourself, think about the consequences of your actions. Where are they taking you? Where are you taking yourself? Where do you want to go? Think. Decide. Plan. Implement. Reflect. Think. Decide. Plan. Implement. Reflect. Think. Decide. Plan. Implement. Reflect. You help sculpt others' world, as they do the same for you. Do it right for the life you have to do it in, for everybody's sake, and for your own.

/leaps off soapbox..
                              onto another.

Please understand that you are not the only one who fumbles and mumbles up their words, even if they were meant pleasant. We are intelligent but not flawless creatures, so if you have trouble attempting to let your words out, do not fear your inaccuracies. If anything, fear the lack of Will to learn from words, and fear the lack of effort to fix what inconsistencies exist within them. It is better to be rude intelligently than to be rude politely. Know that it is never that they or you are worthless to speak, it is only that you either doubt too much in your own ability to articulate, and/or you doubt the actual words you mean to say. Which, trust me, is a common problem for everybody, and there are ways to ratify these issues.

*The Quick Advice Piece of the Blog: If you are in the moment, go with your instinct; you will have no other choice.*

To explore these instances, let's discover why to(we) speak in the first place. If we can harness our reasons to express, knowledgeably establish our motivations, bring to light our true desires, then we can more effectively communicate our wishes into matter.

Despite how seemingly egotistical we can be, we are social creatures. We want our thoughts, feelings, and actions to resonate with others. We seek acceptance, praise, and understanding though judging eyes, to not just prove past other's standards, but to surpass our own. Through valid tests, we have valid results. We are so critical of ourselves, and so of others, as we should be --- because it is through this primal instinct to challenge all that which we experience, that brings about an ultimate worth to us, and thus so, our understanding of the continuance of life.

Does this bring us vitality? Does that take us to truth? Will thee rise us higher than before? Does this bring us more life in the end? Does that corrupt us and lead us further into ignorance, facades, and faster to death? (Which is a subject for future debate.)

These are some of the questions we (sub)consciously ask ourselves for primal purposes. By testing these fundamental inquiries or building block questions, which arise the roots of all we know, we comfort again our instincts, our established truths, and find them now (re)justified and our confidence renewed.

My communication efforts today will live and die, but they will never be nonexistent because I have hit send. My expressions will not fail because I did not try, they will only fail in a disconnect between my inner-workings of my mind and the differences of your own. 

Each word will resonate within you, and you may take in all that they are worth, or more likely, you may not. Regardless, you will have siphoned all of the life out of them based on your current situation, your own understanding of the parameters of your existence today, or simply, you have listened to what you are meant to hear with your present strength of your eyes, ears, and overall senses. Whether or not you have come to the same conclusions that I have out the words I have shared --- regrettably most likely not so --- my words have lived and died in your mind, but they aren't nonexistent. It is only up to you and myself to resurface and refurbish their true meanings based on the right perception.

No matter what you speak, it is for some fundamental reason. People often just become too deterred in what they mean to speak, too questionable in that their words aren't exactly coherent. So much so, that they begin to doubt the wanted upcoming words before they are even uttered, fulfilling a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Doubt cultivates unsoundness. 


Despite the possible uneasiness to communicate, what I want to ingrain in everyone is that it is not about what you have attempted to speak constructively. Communication is more about that you have COMMUNICATED at ALL constructively. We live in the Age of Aquarius. It is the age to share and feed off ideas, despite perfectionism. Just as no one says "perfect" perfectly, no one should expect a profound spiel each time you open your mouth. Keep in mind that even though that is what you should strive for, that is, meaningfully directed speech, we all should ultimately understand that it is a constant struggle to deliver "The Show". Practice makes perfect though!, and you can become perfect ( maybe in the next life :P ). And hence, therefore, no one should be condemned by their well intentioned messages, just urged to correct their meaning when they are misspoken. Accuracy is what everyone is reaching for, and so just as you are inaccurate at times, do not come down too harshly on those inevitably also at fault. In essence, in short, and in conclusion: Speak and listen with reason, and be willing to help reorganize messages appropriately.

But now to expand even further, we are left with the possible question of: "So how does one create a (the) rememberable and useful piece?", as any talk should aim towards..


Of course this is when my mind would spark and ask, well, isn't anything rememberable, useful? 
You remember me for a reason, wouldn't it, couldn't it be for a higher, deeper purpose despite your unknowing? Shouldn't this be remembered at least as a bad example of what not to remember? And if so, .. -- doesn't that make this remembered piece, good? /Gah!, at the questions I am left at.

Our goal when we attempt to communicate is to feel that we have shared something of substance to the world. We take in input, we filter that information through our individual minds, and we regurgitate it back in our own unique way, hoping that we have fully encompassed and translated the communication back to the receiver with an improved response. One of the last things we want is for ourselves to repeat what was already said.

Mocking-birds tend to ruffle other flocks of feathers.

We don't want to just reflect what someone has said, we want to dig into, cultivate, and produce more than what was initially given. We desire this whole endeavor of accepting input, processing it, and outputting it to be replicated to and fro from others in an increasing quality, so that we may all experience all that which can be (re)processed, and therefore, fundamentally better understood. This brings a fuller, and more rich experience. This feeds the world of a positive vibe, and we all benefit. We want what we share to matter, so make what you matter count, and share with The World awaiting. 

So how do we do that?

We would first build and express connections.

Lemme preface this by saying it may be a rough transition.. 

                                                               ..but I hope you make the train.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

OH!, Dear!, and that's all the time we have for today's blog folks. In summary:

I am frightened to say anything more because I feel that the life I have lived within the words I have spoken will decrease!, decay!, and possibly die out with no more meaning! I do not want to emotionally lose my worth in your forgetfulness. Nor do I want to say something I may regret, or choke upon. But I said all that anyway, and that's the point. :)

As always, thank you for being here. I really hope you enjoyed it. Please feel welcome to leave any comments, critiques, concerns, or suggestions. Until next time, give back to the world the chance to make all what I.S. better for the greater good.


P.S. I don't mean to come across as a pretentious prick, nor as a sellout as I say, "From here you go!"

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The WordSmith's Mood

Paramore - Future

Heed these words..

*Read slowly, and multiple times, to fully receive the words.*
*Read slowly, and multiple times, to fully receive the words.*
*Read slowly,and multiple times, to fully receive the words.*

--- Another note of caution: if you aren't used to my layoutstyle in my recent blogs.. I will have completed works titled in italics, and end them with a series of 
"---". Treat everything else separated with a double-space, as an individual thought or piece, and not as part of the line(s) double-spaced before or after. ---

                May we sit down and chat for a little while? I, for one have much to say and would rather get it out now than later. You see, I have been pent-up, bottled, corked, for a long time. I feel like I am about to bust! So please, help a brother out and relieve some of my pressure.

Karma is real. I can see the future unfolding itself in front of me.
Whenever I find myself in a lesser pleasant situation than a moment ago, I know it to be the effect, from the cause of my poor decision. Ergo, when I give into a joyous, and prosperous state, where laughter and smiles consume me, I am being rewarded for my good duty. These mechanics are simple enough to understand; but to live within their constraints, with all of their inadvertent checks and balances, the inner workings tend to get lost in the routine of daily life. For a moment, let us think about the result of forever doing the right thing. Everything you do, each action, and each thought are to your best moral ability, every time. What would you be left with? The ultimate, most rewarding life you would ever have. I don't know about you, but the perfect life (whatever that happens to be) is the one I want to live. Taking the minor sacrifice of spending the try to do something right the first time around, is worth the wait, and saves you the hassle of the negative outcome(s) later. So next time you think of taking the easy route out, instead of the right road --- just know, Karma and all of its rewards, swing both ways.  

Ders - I have but one word, Justice. Right? Just, us. It is just us, on this planet Earth. We are alone. So, we need to trust each other.Trust, us. Rhymes. So you know that it is real. Which brings me to the question: Are we human?, or are we dancers? --- Gosh, I love Workaholics.

I come at you
With telling eyes
I take you back
To the past times
I love forever
In my old mind

I took the moment
To discover why
I never found out
Until this time,
That is why I had
To go through mine

Sharing brings lessons
Told to untwist ties
Remembering things
Growing us more pine
But we laugh it off
We figure..  learnt wise
Present specific details

Through language we may express this Cosmic Soup Kitchen
For what it is, we may never know.
But of what I do, I see that, I should always try my best
 And I do, whenever I feel compelled enough to take the time to speak

Across filters, and over barriers
Around passageways, and hidden sides
Riding the lines of others
Is where you will find me tonight

I know a way to better make this worth my while

Dark Eyes - Indigo
I have come upon your face
In that expression you mould
You see me look of pleasure
Lips spread too wide to hold
Back the shining proof, behind your wet eyes
That I fill-in your holes, where your soul resides
Devil you know we are right
Picking the trouble tonight

Too much sugar
Not enough love

You can run, but you'll just die tired

You only see the ground when you look down

Oh my wow

Where did you go?
Where did you go?
Where did you go?

Three rules to keeping a gal:
1) Look them in the eye and don't be shy
2) Always be a gentlemen
3) Make it good to them the first time, and they will know where to come the second

Oh, deepest of holes..
I lay to rest, quite spent

Where I am hold
Where am I hold?
My mind is an open cage
Where did you go?
My random Xbox gamers' tag is Corkcoder43 - Who'd a'thunk?

Right Key
I was going to lie after his next retort
He had me pinned until he fell short
I was going to have to lie..
But He wouldn't go there
He gave up his right, and was taken fair
He said, "Lead the way, for I have died."
So, I lent him my left, and we said our goodbyes
To the world behind us, we only leave..
So come along, we will take you as be
To the beyond us, where we shall see
Our new frontier, where honesty is key
I would like to perform myself

Look at the current

Six inches shy

The Three Bears
Papa Bear taught me the honey of the wood
He kept us warm fed from the char of the soot
He said,
You save what You can, in the moment You could
You man, find the calm within the good
And You breathe fire, when You know You should

Momma Bear kept me in the arms of the Lord
She taught me to keep safe behind old faith and glory
She said,
You find the ways to keep trucking towards
You son, hold the final clutched cord
And You find ways to not be bored

Teddy Bear kept me the most warm at night
He taught me hugs under the cradle light
He said,
You will be alright under Your starlit woods  
You boy, You love more than You ever think You should
And You save what all You know, to be right and good
You will never understand yourself, until you listen to yourself

You must leave some things behind to bring yourself somewhere new

Let's not make it worse until it gets better

You know I tell you
But you won't listen
It's this one thing
The something you are missing

I find what I say
Sometimes to be true
While others
Only try to hurt you

Tide Breaker
I want her here before me
So that I may see it through her eyes
I know she tried to warn me
But I lost her in the tide
If only, if, I had given her more than I tried
Then maybe our love would still be alive
I will be gone by then,
But I hope you get to go

We think easy
We speak slow
Still, mixed signals
Are all we know

Pot of Tea
Behold my wholesome worries, over a pot of hot tea
Steeping in my darkest grains, lie the bitter parts of me
Pouring out my bags tied, I find in the warming cup
That the sweet smelling green dye, is enough to cheer me up
I'm a good mentor
If you've seen the things I can do
If I can tell you enough detail
You could see these places too

All I know, is what I know best. So I don't careless.

Well..I really don't know
I guess it goes to show

Leading Eyes
I enjoy writing the moment
Instead of living it for myself
Breathing is enough fun
Speaking with lead's help
I expose the blank paper
To what it will never feel
So that I may try to give it
What I never had instilled
Within these spoken lines
The attempt to recall my strife
So that I may pass the lesson on
To never get in the writer's life
I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me what you think, more details the better. Have any comments/ critiques/complaints, let them be heard. I will do my best to get blogs out much more frequently from now on. Until nexttime, Taylor.

P.S. Having reread the blog, I know it is missing some things.My intention was to have more discussion and less poems in it, but I simply ran out of time. That being said, here is this one out and rolling, and I will start working on more of me simply talking/sharing thoughts. They can only get better from here. Good day to you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Well, Good

Gorillaz - DARE. Lyrics here
Oh I will become what I deserve.

Now that we just found the last of the small clues, let us go find all of the big ones.

I love you
But now I miss you

Is this love
Is love this
Love this is
Love is this
This love is
This is love

Oh what a wonderful world it is outside
When I can feel the day pass through sleeves of banded rays from the sun
Casting over me, you, listening to a bathing child

I can surely remember that there is such a thing called brightness
That blinds me but besides thee I feel most gay
Time after time I number off
But it is only this little game we play

My face folds like a gentle brush

Oh my rapport, my Rabbit, Fickle you complete me so.


It's okay, it's just the drug. It will be over in a minute.
Time is slow and focused, my mind is pacing acutely
Numbers tell me when it is good or bad, they mean everything
And in between there is nothing, but an eye locked and me, lost in my memory's dream

Don't bounce me that high

If you give it an input, it will give you an output

You know I have told you before
Yes watch my jaw fall to the floor
It doesn't surprise me you swore
Yet here we are again, aside the door
You know, it was all of your fault insight
No it was not, you take it back I might
Hey, hey, hey we could make quite the fight
But don't you think it better not to awake the night
You know you cast into orbit when you emit right
True, true, alright, good sight but you gotta admit
It would have been a delightful fit to the end of the bit
If I should say you swing like a girl with a whit mitt

I test you
I erase you
You finally
Come through
You mind me
You mind you
I silently
Decide new
The common mind
The see all view

If she will take it in the butt
She is worth a fuck
You asshole
No, your asshole

Who are you talking to? (Sarcastically when found talking aloud to oneself.)
Nobody, just talking to you
To who
Quit talking
Why are we talking
Why do I keep talking
I said quit
Quit what
You know what I am talking about
Obviously I don't, or I wouldn't have asked
I said quit talking
Okay gees no need to scream, everything will be okay
I said shut it
Yes ma'am
/points finger
/zips mouth

Balloon filled with water changes the view when looked through of a boy on the other side taking a bath. There are sieges of adventures to be had playing in the tub. Bubbles full of rainbows, the oils color the windows of the vision spectrum. Toys become life, lost in mind we take to the water; it sinks into us, and we wake in a world of imagination.

You have a magic heart
One that calls me baby
I knew everything from the start
But that doesn't keep me from thinking maybe
I will just ask this young man here he may know
Do you know my sister Emmagene she is my all
Does she know I am here and just when will you wake me
He looks at me with knowing eyes, I see those nights, blue birds, silvery sky
And I know
We have to go out there, and watch these things

And that was just an onion dude

It is not just lines you are reading
Off the end of your nose
That end casually defiant
Leaving you with wanting more
It's this..

Well, Good

Don't catechize me

My girl is going to be

Where do you want me to..
I want you to explore me
Explore you
Yes, explore my body, come upon my under
Well I have never heard it quite like that 
Aren't you supposed to be exploring
Yes ma'am, I'll be back in a bit with the
..27 seconds later..
That is some good shit
Wrong hole genius

Put me to sleep my mudda with song
I seep through her cheeks
Our words whittle along  
 I lead my eyes soon be closed to sleep
 I drop into the deeeep
 Lavender Soliloquist Dream