Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh Youu...

*Rough Draft* of a Train of Thought. (Hint: Read slow. For it is all significant in some way. I.S. = Infinitely Significant.)

"Don't wake me up, when I am sleeping in...I am simply enjoying the fact, that I, that I can dream in peace."

And into the dream we go...with subtle remembrances of Youu...

"I close my eyes, and his image floats beside me. A sweaty-toothed madman, with a stare that pounds my brain. His hands reach out and choke me. And all the time he is mumbling, mumbling truth. A truth, like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold. You push it, stretch it, but it will never be enough. You kick at it, you beat it, it will never be able to cover any of us. And from the moment you enter crying, to the moment we leave will just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream."


You tried to save me...

Why didn't I let you? 

"Show me the Heart unfetted by foolish dreams, and I'll show you a happy man.... But only in their dreams, can a man be truly free, it was always thus and always thus will be."

You were all I wanted. In your were still my world. Not thinking of you, felt like betrayal to my love for you. You would look at me with those beautiful eyes...tender hugs...wet lips...seductive voice...soft hair...I was euphoric. You made everything okay with a single touch. You consumed my whole world. You were my whole world.

Oh look shiny. I must see. I must check it out. It is more complex than I, I must understand it. I must explain it. I must take it apart, piece by piece. Second by second. And break it down to its simplest form, that is the only way to explain it, to make it make sense. You continue to search. And when you fit the pieces back realize that you have created some much more complex than before. You must understand this now. Repeats. But we are too ignorant to realize that it is the same puzzle. When just keep forgetting...Everyone does it a different way. I may figure out this piece first...but you grabbed a different one. At the end of the's just the same puzzle. But since we started in a different place, we feel like we own a separate puzzle. Now don't you just feel silly? You Reflect on your newly obtained knowledge. A reflection...Oh! SHINY!
But oh howYou are doomed.
You could have been all I wanted.
I mean...I loved you.
However naive I may I might have been, however blind...You had My heart.
You wrapped it around your finger. You brushed your teeth with my blood. And swallowed.
Every day, you took a little more. But you gave me anesthetics, to hide my pain.
You said it was love. I believed you. Your words became mine, I was only but a tool.
I was left dependant.
You consumed me.
You sucked me clean, left me as a pathetic, siphoned mass: Used.
You would look at me with those beautiful eyes...and I was hooked. Mind-controlled.
You gave me hugs, only to lay your eggs in my gave me kisses, only to poison me.
Your voice carried your lies, as the bugs in my head told me they were true.
You gave me massages, only to further break me down.
When we made "love", it was only to take away my manhood.
But I didn't notice...I was blind.
Despite the did you make yourself my life?
When we held hands...where did you hide the knife?
When you were "so" perfect...why did I still feel torn?
When my finger's stroked your hair...where were the horns?
When our tongues would dance...where was the serpent's split?
When I rested my head on your did you warm your heart so quick?
When I grabbed your did I miss the tail?
Why couldn't I see past the veil?
When I wiped away your tears...why did the acid not burn?
Why didn't I learn?
You are evil. Pure Betrayal.
You left me empty, dead.
And I wish the same for you. Bitch.
----------------------------------- (And then I flat-lined.) . . . .......

You know what? This is just so interesting to do. I would often do this in the mirror. It was the ultimate improve. I want to improv. Improvisational theater (also known as improv or impro)...thank you Wiki! No to be confused with Wiei! Why would Anyone be confused with that? ...*cough*, I DID made you confused with that. I created doubt. something purect. PURE PERCEP PURFECT. perfect. I took what you had "faith" in, ...that you had FACT in; and gave you doubt. Why would ANYONE be confused with that? It is so PURFECT! Why would Anyone be confused with that(Wiki and Wiei)? I have no clue. But for Some reason, you have a doubt. If you had no doubt...YOU WOULD NOT ask A QuEsTiOn.!? Of course you wouldn't have a question. But isn't kind of funny...that the One and Only question you would ask. Is Of Course,: Why? You KNOW Why? It is BECAUSE you MAKE -:"-:"-WHY]'> a QUESTION. INSTEAD of the ANSWER. Instead of, "WHY." You HAD to ask...<+*WHY?!%; =? THAT IS WHERE YOU WENT WRONG! FUCK! Nice Going...Asshole.

"I want you to stop listening...and kiss me.

I don't want you to listen...I want you to kiss me."

Either one I choose...I lose. I can't win.

But it is the fact that you choose, that makes you the winner. Action > Thought. Every time. 

Well well about the "action", of thought?

You thought about it, instead of lose that one. Just live a little on the edge. Live, by instinct. Because it was just meant to be. You go wrong by arguing....but it bothers you, that you didn't get the last word. That > I < got the last word. Just kiss the damn girl, and be Happy. :)

But then I thought...(Where I went wrong.)

I wrote I like "you..."
I was like wait..."it's youu..."
And just as it is now, there is an error.
Does not compute...*foreign*
"youu" does Not register.
And it hit me.
Youu...just might not be my, "you"
There is an does Not match.
We do Not match. And we do Not know.
Sad face.

And all you saw...was my sad face. You asked, Why? When you Already knew.

And then I was lost in thought...and I'm pretty sure, you will be too. And as we are meant to be, and so. was. .

"The pictures are in the letter's eyes."


Look at "Youu..." Start at the letter Y, and move to the right.
The letters have become the ground. The which you stand. In which that "Youu..." are standing on. That it is standing on. O is the next level down, think steps....Y to o. And the step-down to the u.....then to the last u. And then to the simple idea of three dots...
Now here is the important part. -----. . . ...

You step into the Abyss on the pure white heaven...So beautiful...calling your name. You want more, it MUST be a step, shouldn't it? You step, a "leap of faith." And then you fall of into abyss. Into black. Black and White. The pure white must be a letter, that had been forgotten for 1 millisecond. Surely they wouldn't leave me(it) stray. So I jumped...into the once known as pure heaven....only to fall...all...fall. Into the depths of black(colour) itself. You forget. You remember. , wrong.  You start anew, to the once u, and into the Y. WHY? Why, oh why , I? I be Y, you BE ME. And you get lost in your own pathetic sense of order. Because it makes sense to I, so it must be so true to you. And baby? It was just meant to be sugar. That we would find ourselves here, it's the small town of , Heaven. It is my haven child, and now yours. Aren't you happy? Why a confused look on your face? Shame child. For you must grow old with not such fettling dreams. Now smoke child!(devish stare) I thee comand. But she is ignorant...she knows not how to spell command. How silly of her. Let us now. Simply laugh. Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny ain't it? You think you are Soo freakidy smart to come...meddlin' in our wonders. No, for that. It will be Death. (Foreshadow) (p.s)(Isn't being the narrator so awesome?)(p.s.s.)(We get to laugh at them! Ha. Ha. Ha.) They think they are the center of attention, but no, they are simply. Pawns. Nasty little things, eh?, wouldn't you say? I say. Therefore, so should you. ...u? NO! Listen here now, you must bow. Bow to the ,Crown. Crown be Me, = there thee by ---> You. You are just a foul little boy(insert the woman get-to-vote speech. *Snort**Snort*)(p.s.(Infinity))(((Insecurities)))(It was in a Jim Carrey *Snort**Snort*In the mask. He was funny, wouldn't you say? Laughter. It was good. Nom. Nom. Right? Just saying...I called that. :) Follow me, and I will lead you smart. He. Excuse me,*cough*, I will lead you into the forest(said Will Ferrell)And we have gained a wolf. One Up! One Up!(Zach Galifinakas dressed as mario.) So Freaking Precious. Precious. Like a fat kid and His cupcake. fate kid = God. Snow Cone(David Spade)(Go Goliaths!(David?)(Oh yeah, oh youu. David wins. :)) = Humans. Am I right or am I right? Greedy bastard. If I could teach that Kid a few darn things, by golly...miss molly. I would. What? Fat Kid, has a Faushure?(Goldmember.) Oh yes..."He", does. It's this pissed off old man over here. And look, here sir. Here is your coffee. Hot and creamy. Just the way you like it. Ooop! As the black lady drops the coffee. All over this sweet old man's...puzzle. It says 500 pieces, but God Damn it! It only has 499! And now it is a mess! He, this old man would scream. Every morning. Tell me about it girl. Black ladies, so. .. Subtle. Lawl! Am I right or am I right? Oh shit...still in the same instance as the joke. Let me just...slip out. That's what she said! He called and said, "...Too far, Dude. Too far." DUDE! Where is my car...Gees people. STFU! I can't hear my show. Well Debbie, be nice. Not like you didn't fuck him all those years ago. Oh Bettie Sue, why must you do. Tell those silly stories and silly lies. Because I am a Religious woman God Damn it! (Can you say Hypocrite, much?) Yeah. I know, right? *Back to scene.* God damn it Gale! (She forgot her part, snort.)That's why she said. What? It was supposed to be, what. Oh. Oh gay guys, you gotta love them, like allotta vag-i-na. Borat, Borat. She would say. Hung like, sleeve of wizard no? I think so. Oh well if you look over here, said the tour guide. This is our new city. Hell. Tee-hee. I'm just kidding guys. But not really. Said David Cross. See guys, we use these characters to relate to the animals. (Talking about us. I'd safely say this is a good point to, Actually listen to, OKAY?Is that, OKAY!?With "youu."Always sooo FUCKING needy!!!!You ignorant CHILD! How dare you not....BE...>>>MOREREREARRRGGGGG! Said the Mother. The MOTHER. I bet she beats Said Gale. SNAP! Plot tWisT! Remember, remember the 5th of November, just like...dun, Dun, DUN. PlottWisT! :) Sad face. Keeping up here people? This is HOW it works. Chapter 1, HOW it works. And not just how youu work. It is how we work. The System. It's a little complicated. So we shall go. Line, by. Simply. Line. Which are as we like to explain them...are all full of itty pitty...tincy......wincy....... quench. (Lines are made up of, dots...little specks.) Quench your thirst young one. You are weak from the journey. Are you...yearning? Moaning? Are you...needing, are you wanting...a bit of, attention? I hear, it here...that it is like drinking blood. It's just what's in ya, baby. How go, WRONG! How can you? HOW...ladies and gentlemen. Is HOW it is done. I hope you all have been listening. And have a GOOD DAY!(You hear fucking in his voice. Tonight. He will see His WHORE! Fucking...cunt. But you MUST reSpeCt! Him!!! He is your TEACHER! He is you ALL! You must LOVE HIM! OMG, he is flippin' Awesome. Yeah. He is. Hot. Blondies...they'll get cha' every'. TIME!!!!! Just like I got you, motha trucker. Did ya fuck er? I know I did. See...I added the confusion...the "er" if you will...into what you were reading that made you go all confuzed. Just like I am now. Even if you can keep up in the class. Even if you can understand!!! My System. Even if you can...get. 100.1% on my exams. My test...Every. Fucking. Day. IF you do  get past that, well actually...we have a superfluindous surprise for you today. (Lies) YOU LOSE!!!!! As said Willy Wonka. You did Not EAT THE CANDY! But I DID! Oh, no no no nono NO! I did NOT. I did NOT EAT THE CANDY!!! Apple. Aren't Candy Apples Delish? Snort Snort. A dream within in a dream. Inception. Can you say, it had some holes? Your mom. OH, Snap. That Nigga just went there. Don't thou mean, NIGGER! no no noon no. That is RACIST. We can't do that. That would be wrong. (Don't eat the candy(Said Bo Burnham)). But they call us CRAK+ERS! Just think Ducks. It's HaLARIOUS!. We are getting off track here people. We need to answer the question. President: What was your question? = Fake Bullshit. Both ways. There are so many holes in my, rant. If you will. But, it meets what makes sense. Doesn't it? I can't answer it all. But I'm working on it. FIRST!(YouTube) I covered the HOW is works...pretty well. Don't youu? Don't youu.? Oh no, it's Do you NOT! I forgot. Sorries. My bad. WHOS fault was it????!!!??! It was mine Sir. SIR!? I am a Smexy. *Wink*. (Think...VAMPIRES. They Feed off reassurance. But the LAST thing they will tell you that is what they want. They say that women are confusing as Well, not exactly. If you know how they work...just as I explained, how they are so backwards. Backwards. To YOUU. Are you getting it? long does it take to WAKE THIS GUY UP!!! WAKE UP! DUDE! DUUUUDDDDDDDEEEEE!(sweet) WAKE THE FUCK UP!. Man we got SHiThammered drunk last night(Asian ninjas in the SHiT You get it? The "i", is lower case...duh? When you think asian...what do you think? Huh? Be honest...they have small penises. Gees. WAKE UP DUDE. STOP DREAMING!!! AND START DAY-DREAMING! no, woah dude, you didn't say that that was the plan. Dude(#2, for clarification...if you can keep up. Alice and Wonderland...the Rabbit. He is late. Youu are late on the joke. AS USUAL! WAKE UP! DUDE, STOP saying WAKE UP...and SIMPLY, WAKE THE FUCK UP. we got more girls to bang. Said *insert any and all geeky characters...from...EVER.* They all turn, shut the Fuck up MEENKIS! (Boy Meets World: What is it? Only my fav sho' o' course. Look, I'm 20...I have my beard and all. Yeah, I'M a MAN! well, my Daddy dont think so. But I do. I means. ...I've got a beard. I can Walk "da" Walk": I can Talk the tale...take. Tale of Takes. He is such a band nerd. Need, nerd. Just Saying. Oh, it's YOUU! I'm so happy to see you! You finally woke up from your dream have you? You've been under for a lofty long time. Teelee. (Now what is the first thing you are going to ask? WHERE, am I? Chapta 2: WHERE did the letta: eR? Go.) Page: 3. WHAT? no. no on no. WHAT? is Chapt(Go go "er-next letter mod. LAWL!) 3. Which will be cova'd lata. Blackies got this one guys. Sorries. Minority Laws. More like, inferiority! Ha. Ha. Ha. Right dad? Dad? Did you get it? Did you get my joke? What son?...leave me be. Go...go That is what you need to do. Get out of my face. Flip 'N coin. Apologize. Or Not to apologize. THAT is the Question. That's it. ChaptER 2 is done. I said they'd get a cut...but. Let's just face it. YOUU are scum. It's the goo in the back of your head. It's the goo in the back of your head. The piece of can't read. It's...Blurry. Your eyes. EYES!, my child. Insecure. Why did you waste you time? Why not? OMG. "you" is underlined.  You can't read why...until I am done. So you continue to be selfish...without a second move you. You move replace your position. You abandon yourself in mid-thought...when you should just finish it. Think. Thank. was me. But it was really Youu. If you paid attention more. If you could see closer. If you eyes weren't so freaking blurry. The moms are becoming cooler and cooler aren't they guys? Don't fondle me, gees! Just tell me. What is the money-maker? Dude! What is the money mackers? What...? Mockers. It's MAKERS! I care. I do. I want to be with you. But you just have to WAKE UP(Dogma.) Snaps!...fingers. Oh I always for*ponder*get  those. Pause. Stop. I had you again, that was two times in a row. One more and you ARE OUT! But I thought I was already outside...NO you silly child, you were only DREAMING of you being outside. You were lost in thought. And there He goes again. Who? That guy? Over there. No, Him. Which Guy? White Guy? (Racist) WHOSE guy? Yoo. Yoo, cum here. What happened do? No...WHOSE! Whatcha writing? Oh fuck...what am I writing? I just saw conscience. It's all related. But's all related. "But seriously...what happened?" I got connected. My thoughts in here, ran with my RL here. My dreams, were me. To what is. That is the answer. Your dreams...ARE your reality. You can see the future. "Human brains only use 10% of their potential." Why NOT? Then. If you had more UNDERSTANDING, then Youuu TWO(O)(Volume 2: Answers the rest of the questions. Including the big one. :WHY? ) "Now...Broken Eyes, are one of the, they are the only the moment...(atm) to symbolize what we are dealing with here. The "Goo", as it is put. And of course...for those Not, paying attention, is what the Broken Eyes, looks like. *Go go movie.* *Titled: Your Name. (I think...I forget, snort. It looks like this, "he raised his hand up and showed the slip of paper. It WAS. " O)O) " Fall down the hole...only to hit a barrier. The ) stood, in your way...The some put it. And then as easily as you were fooled by it's pure, fell into darkness. Once. MORE! Nom. Nom. NAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOM! MOM! Gale pulled my hair! Now stop it! You two are sisters. You are acting like you are 6 years old! And you (young ladies) are SEVEN! Get these FOOLISH OUTSPIRTS! OF JIBBERISH! OUT OF your head. So she CLAWS and she CLAWS. Ripping at her eyes as they did the Devil's Deceiving. She just wanted to make her mother happy. (I have Got to pee.) ((How insensitive!) Oh yeah...sorry. I have to apologize for EVERYTHING! I'm Sorry! gees. I thought you were my dude. Nah man...I ain't your dude. I'm your bro. There is a difference. Whatev. Queer. /fight. White guy gets beat up by 7....well 6 black guys. They had to eat Car-Insurance. He was Mexican. Just like....HE, he, He, Him, him, HIM. Just like, he is you. I am you. I am you. I am I, me, and myself. See...? You step into is extinct. Start with, "I." Go bigger...think bigger. It is more complicated than it Really I.S. Step into ME

Y is the highest level, of the game we call Life.

Y? You might ask...(Have you learned nothing?)

/Sigh. Here we go again. If only had could have the mind-Sight to See what I am talking about. (My Sigh...turns into your Sight...with a little time (a little t).

And since you had a taste. That one ounce of goodness. That. Sweet. Addicting. Apple. It was addicting. The Apple. IS Addicting. And there so. . .is Inevitable. It is tasted...because IF it was tasted, it would be addicting. And you could never stop. Consuming. The reason everything is so messed up, is because it was meant to be. For it to be. It would be messed up. And there you are. This is our world. Our existence. Because we are. It was inevitable. And so it be, so it came. So it became. Get it? Probably, not. Maybe? No? Yes? Yeash? no. Because I awoke you. You were distracted by the shiny. Hynee? And I did it again folks. It is that simple. Done and done. Because it was meant so. I awoke you with a jump, with a nudge. A tap on the shoulder. I made youu turn. I made you take that step...You took the leap of faith. Because you felt something. My hand. My taste. My smell. I made you turn my love. My everything. Youu. You. Y U Me. You are yummy. And I love it. I love you. " Why you? " = " Y U " Because it is Me. Me is you. Me is WHO you WANT. Y U Me...M = Me. At first I didn't need the " e ". Because I had " M ". But you wouldn't have known what " M " stands I HAD TO EXPLAIN. " M " Stands FOR " Me ". " Me " wasn't relevant to " M ", UNTIL  you ASKED what " M ", WAS. " M " I.S. " ME! ". You FiCkLiNg BaStArD. Gees. Don't you know that? " M " is SiMpLy, me. Just this guy. Over here. Silently waving, "hi". With not Even the guts to have his Period (.) END his sentence. He had to have the " " " run blocker for him. He, needed a friend. So one to be by his side, for no own reason than it was just meant to be. It was written. And so it was. It was inevitable (much like it is for me to explain how to spell inevitable to myself. He is just so silly. Youu gotta love him. Right? Ha. Ha. Ha. Says, Mother.). You gotta do this. Before you gotta do this. It is the same, as " this. " t>h>i>s>. Smaller, and smaller. The letters go...into the Abyss of Hope. But infinitely taller, and taller. Just as it was meant to be that taller had some walls to climb over...The T...had to get over the " ll " and fell off when it hit the " er".  T>ae~r. And there it is explained. " e~r. " Turned into " e~r? " Which is bigger? The e or the r? Are they the same height? R they? Are they the same? Or is it one of these....? ---> " ~ ".  Are they similar? Is that what the " ~ " stands for. Is it just about perception? And thus: er? Was created.
Let me get something straight IS.IS.S.I. (is) e~r.
It is NoT: <>e~r?<> There I.S. no question. It IS: ER. or er. But never with the " ? "
Got it?
"no". (" . " is on the outside...just saying. "
<+*WHY?!%; =?  WHY? Do you NoT understand?
There is a no. In Known. Do you not see it? Look again. See? In that world. In that...word. Kno.wn is not spelled: known. It is spelled: Kno.wn.
There is NOT an explainable not. Duh. I was looking for the; Literally guys, the "nOt." With its own I am listening to the Thriller. Can you believe it? I can't. It is So scary. But so compelling. This story to,'s is Over here. Yeah, not over there. it is over HERE!.! /tangent
There is Not a " quotation " for not. Not like I created the one for the word, "why". Remember? It was the... " <+*WHY?!%; =? " The..." <+* and the !%; =? " Act as quotation Around the word, why. So I looked for the one I made for the word, not...And there just isn't one. Sorry guys. Forgot about that one. Be me. And...believe me. I am just here to tale the talk. I mean.../laugh sheepishly. sorry guys. I meant the. I meant, "I am just here to talk. The Talk." Smiley. Fake. He doesn't want to be here. He just is, Different. Yeah, he is just a bit different. Just a speck off the desk at the end of a long...miserable, yet always hopeful day.
And yes, guys. This is only Improv. Look at me go. Already. Already? We good to go? Hurry up. We will be late. Guys...guys? We aren't going to be late are we? /rolls eyes. Of course we are. Of course. We ARE! duh. ?/ .
What is to the right of the " / " Nothing! But wait. Look closer...
There is a " " " at the end of that " / ". Isn't there.,? It is the commas that get you guys. Lawl. So infinitely funny. It is to me. Yes, of course there is a " " " at the end of " / ". At the end of / At the end. At the end...of course there is a ". At the end. There has to be an ending. We must all die. There will be a " " " At the end of your days. At that will make it ALL ok. And that is ALL we want. Is to know, that there I.S. a " at the end of the day. That WE are SATISFIED. Because I CAN: NOT! CANNOT! BE Unsatisfied. It just CAn't be trUe can it? Please...make this pain go away. I can't live like this. There MUST be a REASON. There must! There must! I DON:NOT believe. I do NOT believe. I can't I won't. I should....but I =AM IGNORANT. You=AM IGNORANT! Do you NOT get that !? FUCK! Even I do not know. There I.S a " " " at the end. At the end of this...miserable, yet always hopeful day. There is what? I have FORGOTTEN.! But <+*WHY?!%; =? It is SO FUCKING EASY! THERE IS a " at the end of your days!!!!!
so..." WHAT? "
EXACTLY>!!!!!!!!!! Don't you GET it? The only way to make you understand, is to give you a little push. we go. " ! " I.S. Bigger than EXACTLY. Get it? No.
So...your telling me, there is a chance?
NO! I am saying!!!!!>>>>That there is a " at the end of your days. It is PRE-Determined!  
But what was the bit on the whole..." EXACLTY>!!!!! Don't you GET it?"
Yeah...there was that too. But first. But first you said " WHAT ", and this time... mrs. teather. I mean, mrs. teacher. (You have no clue how many times I tried to spell teacher. But mr. time...he told me in time. So I believed him. So now so should you. So go back, go back to your teacher before he teachers you something. You don't want to miss it...I swear. Trust me. Lawl. I've been there...been there done that. I simply laughed at mr. time. He is always the joker. Such fettering dreams of his...he thinks HE knows all? Now... is Lawl. Someone would ask, "What is that?" And I would Coolly say, is Wack! Oh yeah?, said the girl. Is what I secretly, I think this, because it is cuter. It is cuter than . I like . I think I'll use I think I'll play with it. OPPS! Lol. I meant, . I only forgot... for a second. My bad guys. Sorries. Tee. Freakietty. Hee. Am I right? That IS what she Would say...fucking cunt. What was baby?, said the girl. Oh nothing baby...You Would say my fIcKliNG qEeN! You are so cute, he said. /whispers...More like...fuck, Iuck, cum. CLINGQUEEN! Fickling queen. Is a nothing but good for: fuck, luck, cum. And Being Cling Queens. Let me tell ya. I think...yeah I think I'd like to fuck, lady...lady luck. Because it was inevitable. So it was. So was lost...perfect. Perfect...floats away. Out of our reach. Yet no much how much we strive. All we do is strive. We do not do. We live. We strive. And no...I would not say, that we are only " trying ". We ArE Striving. And we Do so proudly. Because there I.S. a reason to live. And the Reason: There Reason is you. It I.S. Youu. We people...finally say. They SAY. They do NOT ASK! They SAY..." Hey. " Back. They acknologize. You. The once...unwritten. The Once upon a a galaxy so far away. Yet so close. So. It was so. So you were here. She...She said, "Hey." She said, "Hey." to me... Did you see that? /sheepish grin. And as he dreams...he can almost taste...A slight...Subtle: taste of a lip...Hers to mine. But for now. I only must settle. For what I have. And what I only: My lips. But I'll get hers one day...One day. One day...
So tomorrow then? Right bud? That would be cool wouldn't it...hey could you send me pictures?
Tomorrow? Ha. Ha. Ha. I can only hope... right?
Right. ( not right. (in some situations. :P) He is ignorant.)
IT can:. It can be.: Today.
ALL you must give it an ending worth mentioning. THAT IS THE STORY! Life I.S. the STORY. The story's name is....
Watch M and W dance so....they are so beautiful together. It must have meant to be. Yeah...said Gale. It must have. And WAS. WEEEEEEEEE! Isn't this fun? Said the pig...All. the. way. home. It is the JOURNEY. The Pig...wants to be EATEN. The APPLE. Wants. And Therefore NEEDS to be EATEN. WHY? BECAUSE IT WAS!
P.S. What has kept the " i " know? The SIGN for infinity... wanted to know. Wait, let me read his Memo. His note about...his. OH...what is that question. Oh it is: Reason?
I told him "Because...
But for some reason....he wasn't satisfied. Something about, a difference in something, something or another. I forgot. But oh well. He said, "Why is the i not the computer. There...yeah I'm pretty sure...well right now it says, an E~R? here. But I'm being silly. That is just the smear. It says... /wax off. (wax on),' there is an error here. Because the upper case " i " looks EXACTLY like a lower cased l (L). And Quite frankly, God Damn , I... don't agree with that.'"
Error? An error? What is that? I have never heard of this before...
I have no clue Sir. It is foreign to I is well.
You are L?
Y...Are: "=" L.
Huh? Oh... no. I am not just a lower case " L ". I am I. I am an upper case " i ". Duh.
Never mind Sir...we have more pressing matters.
Yes....Okay. Can we please focus here Captain?
Am I the Captain?
Idk...are you?
Yeah...I. Don't. Know.
Oh!!! Lawl. Wake up.
You said Idk first...and then said I. Don't. Know. And THEN I got it.
You "don't. know. what?"?
Never mind peon! Can we focus before I CHOP off your HEAD!
No! Not the Gum-Drop BUTTONS!
Anyway Sir. He says...that the lower case l (You) should be changed to something else...because right now as is... And he...well Sir, he isn't happy. He doesn't so much mind that, the lower case i is " i "...but he Does have suggestion as far as the upper case i. It is to make it bigger. Because he finds that he, and it...itself, well, that is should be more significant. You know...kinda stand out from the to speak. Because...and this is his words Sir, "Quite Frankly... is feeling a little small right now...can we please make it bigger? dad? " He starting was kind of pathetic. I had to lol @ him. It was so sad...watching him suffer. He wanted to be bigger! Ha. Ha. Ha. WHO does he think he is? Such a kidder that One. That One guy. But anyone...But anywho...after all of the bullSHiT. (Macho-Bullshit. There is nothing fucking Asian Ninjas. But you know...for some reason. All you know is: Is that, Fucking Asian Ninjas. Are = Awesome. Lawl.) But He Is willing to settle however Sir. He said that the Upper most case could remain. It could remain as, "I". But...he had multiple notes as it turned out Sir. He is the next one. (Then...Time. mr.time. Ignorance of so. Get it? no.) He said, "God Damn it! Nothing Else can be Me! No MATTER, no matter!!!! No matter, WHAT! What-EVER. Is IN MY WAY...I WILL Conqueror! Much as it was meant for Purple to mean Royalty! I will Not let anything take my spot here. Where I am. NO-ONE(1) or/and NO-THING will be me. So Back off. I got this guys. I have my confidence that I have been searching for, for so long. And it is only NOW...that was THEN...and forever WILL be. That I accept this. I am WHO I AM! BECAUSE THAT IS .what. I AM! I am solid! I have fucking TWO " ( . ) " on MY " WHAT! " --- When you ask WHAT? I will simply SAY! .what.
.what.                    . . .             BITCH!(You)
" (  :) )  <--- I see an big white cake...with eyes...with a halo. Perfect. Lawl. But...that is just my perception. I can't help it. I. AM. = ME And quite frankly...ME = is flippin' Awesome! "
(I had a thought...and I was just waiting for the """ so I could move Took forever though. Let me tell You.) (But it is over TECHNICALLY. It was NoT forever.)(But you know what? The wait was worth . You know why? Because I made it MORE than what was before. I made special. I made it: BIG, I made it: DIFFERENT, AnD I made it FUCKING UNDERLINED. I Made = I made it my, " .what. " And could be bigger. Sure it could be a little more different. Maybe....I could have CIRCLED it. But I didn't. I this this however. I did that. I did everything I DID for a reason. I THAT IS why I FUCKING LOVE IT! I am happy. AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS! I have my " " " at the end of me. And my ", is Awesome! Because of what it means to me.)
*Back to scene* That's RIGHT. I got my woman. WHERE IS YOURS? Where is YOUR REASON! Mine is Right here. In HER eyes. ( . ) ( . )And there is Nothing you can do about it. (Titties. Always on the mind. That is why they are just so...Right.)((There he goes thinking about his OTHER head first...lawl. His penis...get it? I was talking about his head...on top? You know...the part with the eyes.)) (That's what she said. To what? The...head, on top thing. What? Nvm. Dude. What? Sweet. Sweet what? DUDE! WHAT? SWEET! SWEET WHAT? DUUDDUUEE!! see where this is going, don't you(know)? Infinite.) His....eyes? I(s). He finally defined...IS. Everything I.S. Because you know what he finally discovered? HIMSELF! It was in front of him this whole time...all he had to do, was open his eyes! Turn on the love! Hit the switch...hit the BUTTON. YES!!!! OH!!!! YES!!!!
It is what he MOST desires.
 I concur sir...
What was my question?
That do I think...that this guy over a little needy?
Oh, yes.
Why did you ask such a silly question again? ....Sir.
Sooo....basically. *with a (?) like-sense.* ( Now kno.wn as = (?ish) )
I know...
But do you GET it?
mmmmmmm.....................(e) (He only forgot...but never fret. To YOU...his internal Existance...the time it takes for him to turn...the taste of "mmm" into the thought he is trying to answer. Which is, ME. It is only will be, only a line away...isn't HINDSIGHT AwEsOMe! I know! Right? I know...right? Surely....I do.....? He ask...(?ish)(ly) Queishly.
These Gummies. They make me go..."Mmmmmmmm." And I don't know why.
These. Duh. On your desk. Were you saving them for later?
(And you the reader. Did he say, "No as in..." No, don't eat THESE gummies. Those are MY gummies." --- Or did he say, "No, as in...nah man. It's okay. You can have them....I gotta watch the gut, my ol' ball of chain(woman) wants me to cut back on the sweets."? You will never know...Because You. Don't. Know. Him. You. Are Ignorant. Sorry. Sorries guys, Fer Cereal.  All you that He said, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" But you know where you fucked up? Instead of just Accepting fact. You HAD to ask....Why? When all you had to do was say, why. That is all the difference. That is isn't what makes fact, fact. It is , that makes it fact. just a matter of perception.
The Forbidden Fruit. It was Eaten...and thus... = it I.S. so.
Get it?
Then...(And hopefully it is today, not tomorrow. Because quite frankly...I'm tired of hearing tomorrow. Damn WILL BE! I WILL BE. No matter how small I may seem. fact Me. I.S. NoT!
Me not be perfect...but I.S. I AM. = AWESOME. WHO? AWESOME? Do you EVEN have....did you? Did you ask? Why doubt me so? ponder ?
You think: ? (With a stamp out stamp) WHEN = THEN You SHOULD THINK: . I am just a man. Standing there. A brain. And a Spine to stand it on. I pedestal, if you will...may. Please? Understand...Just give me that? Please...that is ALL I want. Is to be. Is to be ... .
I leave you with...
Did you like my story? It was all about Me. Is that okay? It's okay if it's not okay. I don't mind. It is okay. Because it is okay. Really. It is. I mean...Dude. Like.... Like you don't EVEN KNOW. are here....and I am here. no, no no. You are there...and You am here. No. No. No.No. that wasn't it...I am here...and you...I mean, I....I mean. Yeah...Yeah that's it. Lawl. How silly of me. How did I forget that so quickly? That was weird....I mean. That was the WHOLE point wasn't it? Wait...I never finished my thought....Because I awoke before it could be finished. What did I mean? What was I saying right before....Right. Before. You. Forgot. The reason you because you Simply forgot. How silly we are. And God said, : "He will forever be lost in his own head. : And thus = ? is Created. And Thus = You are created. Your monster. Your obstacle. You own shoe laces on your OWN two feet...trip you up. Really? Did that Really...JUST happen. ?

He ask, Queishly.

Ignorance is Bliss. Never forget this...(child)
You have much to learn... And your teacher is this gentlemen over here...
mr. Me.
He will be subbing in for the mean time...for mr. time.
Thank you miss...what was it? Gale? Thank you Miss are too kind. Coffee tomorrow before school? I'll pick you up at a quarter to seven? 6:45? Yeah sure babe. That works for me too. :)
He grabs his pencil down to check roll....he drops it. And just as the wind, from pencil drop, caused a speck of dust to fly off the desk into the abyss was created a speck of granite. From the pencil that hit HEAD FIRST into the paper BECAME!
= Happiness.

And you fall, for the infinitely first time again....

Is it, i? Is it, l? Is it 1? Is it I? Is it L? Is it...Life? I may never know...

"Come my friends, it is not too late to seek a newer world. For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset. And though, we are not that strength in which old days moved Earth and Heaven, that which we are we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts. Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find. And not to yield."

Baby. Please, wake up...

Youu...are scaring me.

The rest is a story. Are you ready to play the game?

(Trade-Marked to Taylor Travis: All of this. "It is MY IDEA! I AM GOD! Lawl. Jk guys...)

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